About Pastoral Counselor Josh
My calling is to support others who have marriages with spouses who endured childhood and life traumas. Also, to teach tools they need to keep their marriages alive and healthy in those times of trials.
I have been married for 30 years as of 2021. My marriage has brought a lot of trials into my life. My wife was a widower when we met. She had 2 children aged 5 and 6. They all had suffered great abuse under her first marriage. Although Kellie Ann had met Yeshua 4 years before we met she still carried a lot of woundedness and so did the children. I fell in love with Kellie Ann because of her great faith and reliance on Yeshua. She had and still has a strong walk with Yeshua. The Lord showed me she was one for me to marry. During our year of being engaged, I saw a glimpse of her woundedness when after a very stressful Thanksgiving dinner, she had a PTSD episode. I wept with all the pain that surfaced in her memory. I knew I would need to stay close to Yeshua myself to help her and the children through their healing process. I was resolved to be Yeshua’s loving hands and feet towards them. Today, I am trained in helping those in emotional distress and their caregivers. As a spouse to a highly abused wife, I have learned new ways to communicate and support my wife when she is triggered by her woundedness.